Installing a birdbath with a shallow, moving water feature helps keep hummingbirds cool during hot days.
Placing a mister or small fountain in the garden provides a refreshing mist for hummingbirds to enjoy.
A shaded area with trees or shrubs offers hummingbirds a cool retreat from the sun’s heat.
Hummingbirds love access to fresh, cool water, so setting up a garden with natural water sources attracts them.
Keeping feeders clean and offering cool nectar ensures hummingbirds stay hydrated and energized in the heat.
Adding native plants like bee balm or trumpet vine gives hummingbirds access to natural coolness and nectar.
Positioning a birdbath near a bush or tree allows hummingbirds to cool off and hide from predators.
Consider installing a small pond with gentle water flow to provide a natural, cool habitat for hummingbirds.