Provide plenty of shade by planting trees or tall shrubs to help hummingbirds stay cool during hot days.
Install a misting system or garden sprayer to offer a refreshing, cool environment for hummingbirds.
Use a birdbath with a shallow water level, allowing hummingbirds to cool off while they drink or bathe.
Create a cool, breezy space with a gentle fan or natural windbreaks to help hummingbirds beat the heat.
Keep nectar feeders in shaded areas to prevent the sugar solution from overheating and attracting pests.
Add a water fountain to your yard, as the sound and movement of water help create a cooling effect.
Offer a combination of fresh nectar and cool water in separate feeders to keep hummingbirds hydrated and cool.
Trim back overgrown foliage to improve airflow and prevent the yard from becoming too humid for hummingbirds.