Regardless of your age, goals or fitness level, strength training is one of the most beneficial types of exercise you can do
It helps you build and tone muscles, improve bone density, increase mobility and generally feel stronger in your everyday life
Kollins Ezekh, a certified personal trainer, boxing coach and owner of Members Only Boxing and Fitness in Los Angeles, California
If you invest in a quality set of dumbbells, learn how to structure a sweat session and get a few basic exercises under your belt,
To help you get started, I talked to personal trainers about how to do an at-home dumbbell workout for beginners and what to know before adding strength training
A lot of the advice below can be applied in the gym, too.
Before you even pick up dumbbells, think about the structure of your workout. Here’s what experts suggest considering while planning.
The average healthy adult should strength-train twice a week, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention