Choose a shallow birdbath with a gentle slope to allow safe landing for delicate hummingbirds.
Incorporate vibrant colors, especially red or orange, to captivate hummingbirds’ keen eyesight.
Position the birdbath in a sunny spot with nearby plants to offer natural food sources and shelter.
Add a small, gentle fountain or drip feature to mimic the natural water sources that attract hummingbirds.
Ensure the birdbath has a rough, textured surface for easy perching and stability for hovering birds.
Keep the water level low to avoid drowning hazards and ensure the hummingbirds can bathe comfortably.
Surround the birdbath with nectar-rich flowers like trumpet vine or bee balm to entice hummingbirds.
Clean the birdbath regularly to remove algae, debris, and bacteria that can harm hummingbirds.