Add a variety of native plants and flowering shrubs to provide essential food and shelter for local bird species.
Install different types of bird feeders, such as tube, hopper, or suet feeders, to attract a diverse range of birds.
Place a birdbath or shallow water dish in a quiet, sheltered area to encourage birds to drink and bathe.
Provide natural cover by planting dense bushes and trees, offering birds protection from predators and harsh weather.
Include birdhouses or nesting boxes in various garden locations, giving birds safe spaces to build nests and raise their young.
Grow berry-producing plants, like elderberry or serviceberry, to provide birds with seasonal food sources throughout the year.
Avoid chemical pesticides in your garden to preserve natural insects and seeds that birds rely on for food.
Leave areas of your garden a little untidy, with piles of leaves or brush, creating shelter and natural habitat for birds.