Crushing garlic too early deactivates its beneficial compounds, so crush it just before use for optimal results.
Overheating garlic while cooking destroys its nutrients; cook it on low to medium heat to preserve flavor and health benefits.
Skipping the peeling process leads to leftover skins, which decrease garlic’s effectiveness and flavor; always peel thoroughly.
Using old, dried-out garlic diminishes both taste and health properties; ensure it’s fresh for maximum flavor and benefits.
Storing garlic in the fridge can cause it to sprout or spoil; store it in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place instead.
Taking garlic supplements without proper guidance can lead to unwanted side effects; always consult your doctor before using them.
Failing to let crushed garlic sit for a few minutes before cooking reduces its full health potential; let it rest for activation.
Overconsumption of garlic can cause digestive issues or bad breath; use it in moderation to avoid these unpleasant effects.