7 Shocking Facts About Crows You Won’t Believe Are True

Crows Can Use Tools: Crows are known to craft tools from sticks and even leaves to access food, showcasing problem-solving skills that rival some primates.

Impressive Memory: Crows can remember human faces for years and even hold grudges, warning other crows if they’ve had a bad experience with a person.

Mimic Human Speech: While not as famous as parrots, some crows are capable of mimicking human words and phrases with astonishing accuracy.

Complex Social Structure: Crows live in tight-knit family groups and have been observed cooperating in intricate ways to accomplish tasks, such as hunting together or defending territory.

They Recognize Themselves: Crows are one of the few non-human animals that can recognize themselves in a mirror, a sign of self-awareness.

Crows Can Count: Studies show that crows can understand basic counting and can even perform simple arithmetic tasks.

They Can Hold “Funerals”: When a crow dies, other crows often gather around the body, possibly to mourn or understand the threat that caused the death.

Crows Have Regional Dialects: Different populations of crows have distinct calls, and they can even recognize where other crows are from based on their vocalizations.




