We all enjoy the crunch of pistachios while watching a good movie, or even in some ice cream, but did you know that you don’t have to throw away the husk
There are a couple of ways you can use pistachio shells for gardening or other projects. Just make sure that the husks of this Middle-eastern-native tree aren’t salted
If you have a large, deep decorative container, you’ve likely dealt with filling issues. It can feel like a waste of good soil mixture to fill it to the top.
One way to avoid this is by adding a layer of pistachio shells to the bottom. They’ll take up a decent amount of space, and you’ll be left with some substrate for other plants too.
An additional advantage is that these shells will provide some drainage, making sure your plants’ roots are never in the water.
Even more so if your planter doesn’t have drainage holes and you don’t really feel like getting a new one.
Excess water will drain into this layer, which keeps your plants above it and their roots nice and dry.
Regular materials used for this kind of drainage are stones and pebbles, but pistachios also work.