4 Reasons Crows Are the Underrated Genius of the Animal Kingdom

Incredible Tool Users: Crows are skilled toolmakers, using sticks, leaves, and even their own feathers to solve complex problems and access food.

Master Problem Solvers: They can think critically and solve puzzles that require multiple steps, showcasing an impressive ability to plan, think ahead, and adapt to new challenges.

Social Learners: Crows learn from each other, passing down knowledge and survival strategies within their communities, much like humans.

Outstanding Memory: Crows have exceptional memory, able to remember human faces for years and recognize individual crows

Advanced Communication: Crows have a sophisticated system of calls, gestures, and even facial expressions

Cultural Diversity: Crows have regional dialects and behaviors, showing that different groups have unique practices and traditions, much like human cultures.

Impressive Self-Awareness: They pass the mirror test, a sign of self-awareness, and are one of the few species .

Ability to Plan for the Future: Crows don’t just live in the present—they can plan for future needs, saving tools or food for later, proving they have an understanding of time and foresight.




